Taiwan's President Invited to Somaliland

Friday February 04, 2022 - 18:52:09 in English News by Hargaysa Office
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    Taiwan's President Invited to Somaliland

    Taiwan's President Invited to Somaliland

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Taiwan's President Invited to Somaliland

Hargeisa [Irmaan News] The President of Taiwan, has extended an official invitation to Somaliland

The delegation will be led by Somaliland Foreign Minister Isse Kayd

Members of the Somaliland cabinet are part of the delegation to Taiwan The leaders of Somaliland and Taiwan have cooperated in the fields of fisheries technology and health

The Chinese government has put pressure on Somaliland to withdraw from Taiwan, but Somaliland has refused

Both Taiwan and Somaliland do not have full international recognition

The United States congratulates Somaliland-Taiwan relations

Source: Irmaan News

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